Home Trending Who is Mrs. Dana King? Cause of death

Who is Mrs. Dana King? Cause of death


Mrs. Dana King death news topic on social media like Twitter and Reddit. Mrs. Dana King death news is hot topic on webpage. In this article we are going to tell you that who is Mrs. Dana King ? And why she is trending on social media.

Mrs. Dana King
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Who is Mrs. Dana King ?

Dana King, the longtime principal of Millbrook High School in Raleigh. Dana King, the longtime principal of Millbrook High School in Raleigh. She was very kind and soft hearted she was personal with her student.

Mrs. Dana King cause of death

From some sources that , Dr. Dana King passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, April 2, 2022. She died on Saturday just a month before she was to retire from the school. However, her cause of death was not revealed. It is great loss for Wake County Public School System. We could not estimate the grief of her family. That is very heart moment for us when we heared announcement of Dr Dana king death. Her students give statement on her death “They lost an educator that didn’t just keep her seat warm in the office. She became very personal with all her students. Mrs Dana King you were more than a Principal you gave that push in pushing. WCPSS lost a fine Educator.”

Our words are very short that help to come over their grieve but we only can pray for her that she may Rest in peace

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