Home Trending Who was Larry Gebert? Larry Gebert cause of death

Who was Larry Gebert? Larry Gebert cause of death


Larry Gebert death news topic on social media like Twitter and Reddit. Larry Gebert death news is hot topic on webpage. In this article we are going to inform you that who is Larry Gebert ? And why he is trending on social media.

Larry Gebert
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Who is Larry Gebert ?

Larry Gebert was a longtime weatherman based in ladho

According to kTVBA Larry was a family man – “He would water ski across the Atlantic Ocean if any of them needed anything,” the station said.

He reportedly “adored service,” working throughout his community wherever he was needed.

“Every year, he would host/emcee/auctioneer dozens of fundraisers,” KTVB added.

One year he said he helped 86 different events.”

What was his cause of death?

Larry Gebert passed away on Friday, April 1, following complications from a heart attack.

We will remember him for all of it, but we will always love him for his heart, kindness, support, friendship, and dedication,” said the news outlet

KTVB added that friends and family surrounded the beloved weatherman at his death.

Larry Gebert death
Image source Twitter

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