According to the shock image database Shock Chan, the image appeared on the entertainment news blog Stile Project in 2001. On February “the domain TubGirl.com was registered. On August 1st, 2005, Urban Dictionary user Mike Oxlong submitted an entry for “tubgirl,” which describes the photo.
Bathtub Went Trending
Tubgirl is a shock site image depicting a naked woman lying in a bathtub with her legs placed behind her head while a fountain of orange liquid gushes from her anus and falls back onto her face.
The shocking Tubgirl photo with bonus original Tub Girl 2 picture Tubgirl explain Tub girl on social media and twitter some one capture in camera and uploaded on social media video and picture trending .
Bathtub Went twitter video
little baby girl playing with foam in a bath tub. girl takes a bath with a doll. moms receive from society by signing in a bathtub. The 75-second video addresses the backlash mothers typically face for their life choices video got hug fame and views.
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