Home Trending Prisoner shoot after escaping bus and killing family of five in taxes

Prisoner shoot after escaping bus and killing family of five in taxes


Through this article we discuss about a new story of a prisoner .To know about the full story of a prisoner read the article fully.

Gonzalo Lopez, 46, was serving a life prison sentence for murd*rying a man near the Texas-Mexico border in 2006. He escaped from a prison bus on a journey to a medical appointment at another prison.

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A prisoner was sh*t de*d by police after escaping from a prison bus, stabbing its driver and kil*ing a family of five, authorities in Texas have said.

Gonzalo Lopez, 46, was on a 100-mile journey from a prison in Gates ville, Texas to another in Hunts ville for a medical appointment when he freed himself from restraints.

He is believed to have cut through the expanded metal cage of the bus and crawled out from the bottom before stabbing the driver and taking the wheel himself.

The driver’s stab wounds were not life-threatening.Lopez, who was a former member of the Mexican Mafia prison gang, is thought to have arrived at a family’s cabin in Leon County on Thursday before kil*ing the three children and two adults staying there.

Police officers were called to the family’s cabin, on Texas Route 7, at around 6pm on Thursday after an elderly relative reported being unable to get hold of them.

When they arrived they found their bodies, spokesman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Jason Clark, said.

Before he was kil*ed, the authorities had said: “Lopez has a complete disregard for human life and will do what it takes to avoid capture.”We will take this investigation wherever it leads us until Lopez is back in custody.”

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