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Lena meyer landrut hallo maxi video | lena meyer landrut video nachricht an maxi


Lena meyer landrut is trending on the internet at this time. Recently one of her videos has been trending and people on the internet have gone crazy to get the link and watch the video, for they are searching about her on the web. In this article we will talk about her personal details and her trending video.

Who is Lena meyer landrut ?

Lena Meyer was born Lena Johanna Therese Meyer-Landrut, on May 23, 1991, in Hanover, Germany. She is the only child of Daniela and Ladislas Meyer-Landrut.

Not much is known about her parents, though it is believed that Meyer’s father abandoned the family when she was 2 years old. Her grandfather, Bruno Andreas Meyer-Landrut, was a German diplomat. Her grandmother, Hanna Karatsony von Hodos, belonged to the Hungarian nobility.

At the age of 5, Meyer started taking dance lessons. She learned both classical dance, such as ballet, and modern dance forms, such as hip-hop and jazz. She made appearances as an extra performer on several German TV shows.

Later, Meyer discovered her passion for singing. She did not receive any formal training in acting or music. She graduated from ‘IGS Roderbruch,’ Hannover, in 2010.


Lena Meyer started her music career by participating in the singing talent show ‘Unser Star für Oslo,’ or ‘Our Star for Oslo,’ in 2010. The show premiered on the German national TV the same year.

The winner of the show was to become the German entry in the 2010 ‘Eurovision Song Contest’ in Oslo. Meyer was chosen as one of the twenty contestants of the show, from more than four thousand entries.

Meyer sang the songs ‘Bee,’ ‘Satellite,’ and ‘Love Me’ for the finals of the show. She was declared the winner through televoting, making her the German participant for the ‘Eurovision Song Contest.’ All the songs sung by Meyer climbed up the charts after her stellar performance on the show.

Lena meyer landrut video:

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