A dog was killed in Konya Animal Shelter, 2 people arrested While the images were causing reactions, 2 people who were taken into custody during the investigation were arrested and sent to the prison.
Murat Bacak and Sefa Çakmak, who were detained in the investigation opened on the footage of the dog being shot and by an officer at the Konya Animal Shelter, were arrested and sent to prison.
konya shelter video
Otherwise, I covered the image with my hand right away, so you can too. Don’t see, don’t see the brutality, let these unscrupulous life be wasted, let it be poison, let it be the chance to cry if you try to laugh, what should I be proud of this life,” he said. Within the scope of the investigation, it was stated that the Animal Health Branch Manager Nevzat D. to whom the center is affiliated, was suspended and the employment contracts of the workers who were there at the time of the incident were terminated. As part of the investigation, the shelter’s veterinarian, Seyit D., has also been suspended.
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