Red kebaya videos continue to echo in cyberspace. The Bali Regional Police are still looking for the masked couple who played the red kebaya video.
“We are still investigating, but we don’t know what the position is, in Bali or outside Bali,” said Deputy Chief of the Bali Police Kompol V Cyber Crimes People, said AKBP Nanang Prihasmoko to detik Bali, Thursday .
There are 4 facts behind the excitement of the red kebaya video summarized by detik Bali. Here are the facts about the red kebaya trending video.

Red kebaya Trending videos are played by women and men disguised as hotel employees and guests. The heroine is seen stopping to tie her hair and wearing black high heels
In addition to the popular red kebaya, the scarf around the hero’s waist is also very striking. The woman is wearing a brown scarf.
The video shows the woman in red initially delivering the ashtray by knocking on the bathroom door. Then there are actors who only use towels.
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From the beginning of the video, both actors are seen wearing masks that cover their eyes. The female characters wear black masks to cover their eyes, while the male actors wear gold masks.
The red kebaya sex video was allegedly made in a typical hotel room. According to the video seen by detik Bali, the actor only wore a white towel.