Home Trending Kebaya Hijau Videos Goes trending | Kebaya Hijau Video on Twitter

Kebaya Hijau Videos Goes trending | Kebaya Hijau Video on Twitter

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Kebaya Hijau video and photos trending on social media like Twitter and Youtube. Kebaya Hijau video trending on webpage. In this article we are going to inform you that who is Kebaya Hijau ? And why she is trending on social media.

Kebaya Hijau video:

The video with a duration of 8 minutes 49 seconds of a woman in a green dress on social media Twitter. Bareskrim Polri will also investigate the video.

Circulating video featuring a woman in a green dress on social media Twitter and Youtube.

Responding to the virality of the video, the National Police have not yet obtained information regarding the figure of the woman in the green dress.

It is known that a video with a duration of 8 minutes and 49 seconds is circulating showing the figure of a woman in a green dress in a room.The room is a room in a hotel .

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