Office of assistant commissioner noorpur Thal, tehsil NurPur, district khushab
Sr No: 1
Name of post: patwari (BS-09)
No. of post: 13
Age limit: 18-25 Years
Education qualification: I. ICS or intermediate (2nd div) from institute affiliated with any registered board II. Computer typing (English 40 wpm)
Terms and Conditions:
The following test will be held to examine the computer usage skills
a) English typing test speed (40 wpm) b) Urdu typing test inpage (25wpm) c) Microsoft office test General terms and conditions
1) Recruitment shall be as per Punjab Govt. prevalent recruitment policy:
2) Candidate must be a resident of Tehsil Noorpur having domicile of district khushab
3) Application must be accompanied with three photographs, educational documents, domicile, CNIC, character certificate (attested copies).
4) Employees of government/ semi government department route applications through their respective departments.
5) Minority quota is five percent for which separate application will have to be submitted.
6) Application shall be received by post till 22-08-2021during office hours.
7) No direct application shall be acceptable. Those Applications will not be accepted that received by hands.
8) Application submitted before this advertisement or after the stipulated time shall be considered rejected.
9) Under government policy there will be five year relaxation in upper age limit which shall be counted as the last date of receipt of applications.
10) Shortlist candidates shall be informed of computer test video call letter.
11) Candidate getting through computer test shall be informed of interview through call latter.
12) No TA/DA shall be given to candidate.
13) Candidates will have to produce their original documents to Departmental selection committee at the time of interview.
14) Competent officer reserves the right to increase/decrease the No. of posts in the published advertisement sans any intimation/notice or amend and cancel the same.
15) The determination of quota shall be done in the light of directions of Government of the Punjab DR. Mubarak Raza Rajpoot Assistant commissioner, Noorpur tehsil Noorpur Thal.