Home Trending Girl On Bus Video Australia – Girl On Bus Australia trending video

Girl On Bus Video Australia – Girl On Bus Australia trending video

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This is the distrubing moment a couple were filmed getting very close with each other on a public bus in full view of shocked passengers For three full minutes the pair straddled one-another, simulated acts, and swigged from a bottle of beer.

At one point she even he video as he it in full view of the other people on board.The pair also simulate while the bus moves through traffic.

While the man remains facing forward, the woman makes eye contact with passengers behind her, but apparently feels no shame.

She even looks directly at the camera capturing her actions, but carries on regardless. After almost three minutes the footage cuts out, though it does not appear the couple were intending to stop.

It is not known exactly when or where the footage was captured, but it appeared online on Sunday where it has since gone trending.

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