As you know I am taking about trending video and topics in my article so in this Article I am going to tell you about elon musk and Fallon’s tweet.
Read complete article to know about all details.

According to a notice that was preliminarily displayed with Fallon’s tweet, “ a stoner took advantage of Elon Musk’s product change allowing anyone to have a vindicated account for$ 8 to produce an account that looked like the sanctioned@FallonTonight handle.
” Fallon asked for Musk’s help but did n’t tag him and did n’t get a response until Wednesday. rather of offering an immediate result, the SpaceX author replied to Fallon with a joking response. “ Fix what? ” his first tweet said early Wednesday.
Fallon has not yet responded to Musk. The funnyman’s Twitter straits come amid continued issues around fact- checking and verification on Twitter which have gotten worse since Musk’s preemption at the end of October.
Among his first moves, Musk introduced a revamped Twitter Blue, a new subscription plan where druggies chopstick up$ 8 a month to be a vindicated account.
As a result, some druggies started impersonating sanctioned accounts, causing negative consequences for some companies .