Home Trending Bridesmaid’s Awkward Speech Goes Trending | Racist Wedding Speech Tiktok

Bridesmaid’s Awkward Speech Goes Trending | Racist Wedding Speech Tiktok


This bridesmaid speech is going down as one of the most awkward in history.User Browneyed_beautee originally posted the video on TikTok, where it went trend before the poster made their account private.

Now, the video has made its way to Twitter, where it’s racked up over 400,000 views already.When the woman in the video takes the mic to start her speech, it already starts on a bad foot when she seemingly can’t remember how long she’s known the bride.

“Hi, I’m Shannon, I’ve known Tracy for…oh god…” she pauses, and a voice off-camera fills in “Nine years?””I don’t quite know Anthony that well, but Tracy talks about you non-stop,” Shannon continues.

She says, “She’d be like ‘Oh, Anthony this, Anthony that,’ and I’m like, ‘I don’t care,'” with a “fake” eye roll.”Just kidding! Just. Kidding,” she adds unconvincingly.”You guys are so cute together,” she says as she motions to a nonexistent tear rolling down her cheek and gives the couple a suspiciously sarcastic-looking pout.

She then switches gears, addressing the groom with, “You better take care of my girl, because if you don’t, I know where you live” followed by awkward chuckles from the audience.

>>>Watch here is the Full video

And then, most randomly, she turns to the crowd and says, “I’m not gonna be racist, guys, I’m just saying!””You guys are outstepping the stereotype and I love it,” she tells the couple with another awkwardly-timed expression of empathy.

In the conclusion, she says, “You guys, I swear, I love Black people. You guys. Are. The. Best.””My own daughter’s great-aunt is like, the best woman,” she shares, seemingly referring to said great-aunt also being Black.

I am Not Racist Speech Twitter Reactions

The bridesmaid certainly attracted a lot of attention after the wedding speech went trending. One of the TikTok users tweeted under the video above: “But what kind of a person even has a friend like this? Now I’m questioning the bride. Also this user questioned groom.

Another user tweeted: “Don’t keep an open mic at a wedding.”

A Twitter user reacted to it like: “I just saw this on TikTok and I had to take embarrassment breaks. It’s horrible.”

Someone else stated: “I thought she was gonna get up there and sing.”

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