Bed Bath & Beyond CFO Demise Trending Video


    Every day we wake up with a new trending story.Same thing happened with a Bed Bath .He was passed away in a tragic way.To know about the complete story of his demise keep touch with our article and also touch for a more trending news remain touch with our website

    A man who jumped to his demise from a high-rise apartment in Manhattan has been identified by the New York City Police Department as Gustavo Arnal. A law enforcement source told CNN Arnal is the chief financial officer of Bed Bath & Beyond. They said he passed away after jumping from the 18th floor balcony of his high-rise apartment.

    Just days after a lawsuit claimed he was involved in a “pump and dump” scam, Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.Chief financial officer passed away on Friday afternoon after falling from New York “Jenga” tower, according to authorities.

    A 52-year-old employee of Bed Bath & Beyond is Gustavo Arnal. According to his LinkedIn page, he formerly served as CFO for the cosmetics company Avon in London and spent 20 years at Procter & Gamble.

    Police discovered a 52-year-old male de*eased close to the building with what looked to be fall-related inj*ries. Gustavo Arnal was the man, according to police.

    The New York City Medical Examiner’s Office will establish the cause of demise, according to the police statement, which provided no additional information on the events leading up to Arnal’s passing. In a press release on Sunday, Bed Bath and Beyond acknowledged his passing but provided no further information.

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