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Child brutality in Bağcılar

According to the allegations, the incident that took place in Bağcılar Fevzi Çakmak District 2005. Street at around 16:30 took place as follows. Ali S., who is alleged to be a drug addict, argued with his mother for an unknown reason. Child brutality in Bağcılar! He cut off his mother’s head and threw it on the street! The severed head fell in front of the moto courier!

He cut off his mother’s head and threw it on the street.

Bağcılar’s Fevzi Çakmak District witnessed a terrible event. The person, who was learned to have psychological problems, first stabbed his mother, then cut off his head and threw it from the balcony. The severed head fell in front of a passing motorcoach. After the blood-curdling incident, the person who set the house on fire was taken into custody by the teams. Here are the details of the shocking event

The severed head fell in front of the moto courier

Police, firefighters and medical teams were dispatched to the scene after the incident was reported. The suspect locked himself in the burning house. The police teams broke the door and took the suspect into custody, who they had saved as injured.

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