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Azov Regiment ambush Russian force in Mariupol | Ukraine war video footage 2022 Ukraine heavy combat


A new movie submitted by the Azov Battalion on Monday proves Ukrainian forces in Mariupol taunting a Russian cargo plane. CNN has geolocated and confirmed the validity of the visual, but it’s uncertain when the attack transpired. The Azov Battalion is an unit that did begin as an ultra-nationalist national army but now has and though merged into the Ukrainian armed services. The youtube clip, chosen to take by an uavs, reveals a lorry of six trucks going south along Metallurgists Avenue in Mariupol. The cargo ship drags off the hwy and onto a street just outside the Ararat coffeehouse.

As the unmanned aerial systems zooms through, it goes to show not less than nine Ukrainian regiment encroaching toward the motorcade, one that has kept moving. The youtube clip and after that needs to cut to army personnel shooting in the direction of the motorcade. It once again breaks to that other scenario, which has at least two or three of the six cars and trucks seem to be on ignition. A “Z” — the symbol of the Russian interference — was seen on no less than two of the vehicular. The movie whereupon has shown Ukrainian special forces shooting missiles over a bricks, in the direction of Russian army troops who also are taking shelter between the other vehicular and a surface. CNN is really not premiering the entire movie, as it has shown rocket launchers erupting on peak of the Russian army personnel.

Women and children purportedly sheltering in basement of Azovstal steel plant in besieged Mariupol, video shows

New video footage of ladies and kids, putatively safeguarding in the room of the Azovstal steelworks in the swamped Ukrainian coastal village of Mariupol, had been released Monday evening on Telegram. The video was released by the Azov Battalion, an unit that starts as an ultra-nationalist national army but now has and though assimilated into the Ukrainian armed services.

Image source twitter.

The visual used to be subsequently discussed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It has shown dozens of kids and spouses and children who have also been sheltering for months at least in the loft of the tree where Ukrainian forces are keeping against by Russian denial of service.

CNN cannot verify the authenticity of the video, or when it was taken. However, after reviewing thousands of photos and videos of the Azovstal steel plant, the walls of the shelter appear to match the lime-green painted walls of the steel plant’s basements.

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