Home Government Jobs Jobs in Office the district health officer District kamber, Sindh

Jobs in Office the district health officer District kamber, Sindh

health officer jobs
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Jobs opportunities are available at the office of Government of Sindh Office the district health officer District kamber Shahdadkot at kamber

Phone no: 074-9411090,

Fax: 074-9411090

E-mail: [email protected]

No DHO/KSK/9099/9105

Dated: 10-08-2021

In compliance with letter No.DGHSS/E-I-B (COVID-19)/12408-48 dated 31.7.2021

from the director General, health services Sindh at Hyderabad, the application are urgently invited for a skilled person and supportive human resources at corona vaccination center in district Kamber-Shahdadkot at Kamber on daily stipend, having domicile of Sindh, preferable district at Sindh Kamber-Shahdadkot.

01.medical student of 3rd, 4rth & final years: 20: Rs.600/day

02. Nursing students: 20: RS.600/day

03. Data entry operators: 30: RS.600/day

04. General public volunteers (Scott): 30:RS. 600/day.

General instructions:

1. Application on the following formate along with two recent Passport sizes photographs, attested copies of testimonials od academic qualification,CNIC, domicile, PRC and experience certificate should be submitted to the office of the district health officer, kamber shahdadkot at kamber at DHQ hospital kamber through Urgent mail post service. 2. Application should be submitted with in three days of publication of this advertisement. No application shall be entertained after expiry of three days of publication in respective newspaper.
3. Only eligible / shortlisted candidate will be called for test / interviewe.

4. Incomplete application shall not be called for test / interview.

5. The vaccine are purely daily stipend and voulntary basis.

6. No TA / DA is admissible to candidated who appear for test / interview.

District health officer Kamber Shahdadkot at Kamber.

Jobs in Office the district health officer District kamber
Jobs in Office the district health officer District Kamber

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