Home News Rally Driver Death | Rally Driver Ken block death | Rally Driver...

Rally Driver Death | Rally Driver Ken block death | Rally Driver passed away


Here’s some sad news a well-known named Rally Driver Ken block died recently. He Is No longer With His close friends and family, and he took His last breath on Monday. Since The news of His death hit The internet, it Has gone trending on many social networking sites.

As soon as this news went trending on social networking sites, there were a lot of reactions that made The internet news. On The internet, many people are telling His family how sorry They are.

Who was ken block?

Kenneth Paul Block (November 21, 1967 – January 2, 2023) was an American professional rally driver with the Hoonigan Racing Division, formerly known as the Monster World Rally Team.

Block was also one of the co-founders of DC Shoes. He also competed in many action sports events, including skateboarding, snowboarding, and motocross.

After selling his ownership of DC Shoes, Block shifted his business focus to Hoonigan Industries, an apparel brand for auto enthusiasts. He was the co-owner and “Head Hoonigan In Charge” at the company before his death.

Rally Driver Ken block death

On January 2, 2023 at approximately 2pm, the Wasatch County 911 Center received a call reporting a snowmobile accident in the Mill Hollow area,” the statement begun.

The driver, Kenneth Block, 55-year-old male out of Park City, Utah, was riding a snowmobile on a steep slope when the snowmobile upended, landing on top of him. He was pronounced deceased at the scene from injuries sustained in the accident.

Relly Driver Ken block cause of death

Block died at age 55 in a snowmobile accident near Woodland, Utah on January 2, 2023. The Wasatch County sheriff’s department reported that Block had been riding in the Mill Hollow area when his snowmobile upended on a steep slope and landed on top of him. Block was declared dead at the scene of the accident.

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